Wednesday, September 28, 2011

remembering and hoping

So, we are moving.  In a little over two weeks.  This home holds so many memories.  I just keep thinking of the little (and big things).

This is the only home our boys have every known.  I hope the new home brings as many wonderful memories.

I walk by the window at the top of the stairs and think about how I often admired our backyard.  Even if the yard wasn't great, it was ours.  I felt like a princess looking over the courtyard of her kingdom.  I hope there is a window where I enjoy another view of what makes me content with our home.

I look out the front window and remember all the excitement in the circle.  I hope my boys find new friends to run around the neighborhood. 

I look at the swingset and think how when the neighbors were out this was better than the park.  It has been a rocketship, obstacle course, race cars, pirate ship....  You name it, it has gone on the adventure.  The new backyard is a blank slate.  I wonder what it will become.

I look at the basement.  Nine months of labor.  Dealing with waterproofing.  Putting up walls.  Adding a fireplace.  It is more than another room.  I realize the new owners will have no idea how much pride we feel about that basement.  I wonder if they notice the ceiling is yellow.  I hope they take good care of our home.

I see all our neighbors differently now.  Not just neighbors, but wonderful people who have touched our lives and give us so many memories to take with us.  I can only hope for people just as wonderful at the new home.  I'm grateful we will be so close to stop back and say hello.  Maybe pack up the boys bikes in our car to ride around the cul-de-sac again. 

Now that we are signed up to move I wonder if we truly made the right decision.  Time will tell.  Memories will remain.  The neighborhood will change.  There is such an uncertainty in leaving.  There is an excitement in going.  There is encouragement from others about what is to come.  There is disappointment from those we will be leaving.  I have fond memories of the past ten years here.  I hope for many more years of fond memories in the home to come.