Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend wonderings: Girls

One reason for this blog was to keep track of things I will most likely forget.  Something came to my mind this week of a moment I want to remember.

It was summer.  Erick was three and the two of us were sitting in the inflatable pool together while Blake napped.  Always the conversationalist, Erick said, "Mommy, let's talk."

"Okay.  What do you want to talk about?"  (He's three, how deep could this be).

"Let's talk about girls."

Gulp.  Smile.  He's three.  Again how deep could this be.  "And what about girls do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about the girls at your work, Mommy."

"Okay."  I'm pretty sure I can handle this one.

I still doubt the conversations with my boys about girls will continue to be that open and that easy.  At least he knows he can talk to his mom about girls.

Suck up

Kids of course love anything with a cartoon character on it--including food.  So on a recent trip to the store I gave in and let the boys pick the Sponge Bob yogurt that comes in the squeeze pouch.  Mind you, they are perfectly content to eat regular yogurt from a cup, but "the kids at preschool eat this yogurt."  Today their Dad put out the tubes of yogurt with their lunch.

Erick said, "Look, Blake!  We get to eat a suck up with lunch!"

I don't think they are called "suck ups," but for the rest of lunch the yogurt was a Sponge Bob Suck Up, and we all knew what we were talking about.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Most of the time words are just words.  Words that really just don't affect us or words that mean so little we simply ignore them.
In my field I hear words like "delay," "disability," "autism," "hearing loss."  The words do not always mean much to us.  And then they go beyond words and become a label for a person.  The word does not define who the person is, but you can see in the face of the person who is hearing this word attached to a child or parent or self that the label is a definition now.  I can watch the person's heart break in his or her eyes because of a word.
I remember when my son got glasses.  It's only glasses.  He was four.  I cried.  I felt like it was too young.  For a few days I let that define him.  My son=glasses.  It's silly--I know.  I've worn glasses for years!
But then something happens.  The label changes back to just a word.  You find the person again.  You see the child or parent or person before you and realize what a beautiful life there is that needs to be lived and help make it the best life possible.
And redefine all the words.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Here we go....

 Before you get to far, I must warn you:

Computers do not like me.  My creation of this blog may create the fall of the internet.

This blog is a huge accomplishment if this even gets posted.  (Celebrate with me if you can relate).

So why a blog?  Well, I started reading a friend's blog and realized what a great way to keep track of all the random happenings of life.  I laughed at so many things that happened in her life and was reminded that there are so many little things in life that can bring a smile and change a day.  So this is my way of reminding myself of the little moments that can become big moments, documenting the craziness of my thoughts (in the hopes of laughing at them again someday), and keeping these thoughts somewhere other than a diary that I would probably lose in the chaos of my life anyway.

Feel free to peek in on my journey of life....