Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Most of the time words are just words.  Words that really just don't affect us or words that mean so little we simply ignore them.
In my field I hear words like "delay," "disability," "autism," "hearing loss."  The words do not always mean much to us.  And then they go beyond words and become a label for a person.  The word does not define who the person is, but you can see in the face of the person who is hearing this word attached to a child or parent or self that the label is a definition now.  I can watch the person's heart break in his or her eyes because of a word.
I remember when my son got glasses.  It's only glasses.  He was four.  I cried.  I felt like it was too young.  For a few days I let that define him.  My son=glasses.  It's silly--I know.  I've worn glasses for years!
But then something happens.  The label changes back to just a word.  You find the person again.  You see the child or parent or person before you and realize what a beautiful life there is that needs to be lived and help make it the best life possible.
And redefine all the words.

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