Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First Snow Day

My boys had their first "snow day" today, but my school only had a delay.  That meant Daddy got to stay home from work with the boys.  Erick woke up, saw me,

"Hi, mommy,"

and proceeded downstairs.  He remained oblivious to the crumpled mess of covers hiding his sleeping father.

A while later I informed Erick I needed to leave for school.  He was still in his pajamas and had not eaten breakfast.  Not to mention I was clearly leaving without him and Blake in the car with me headed to preschool.  Erick remained unaware his preschool was closed and Daddy was home.

He looked at me with a slight amount of panic and said, "But Mommy if you leave we will have to walk all the way to preschool or drive there.  And we don't have a GPS.  How will we get there?"

Somehow or another Erick has become fixated on a GPS getting him anywhere when he thinks he may need to get somewhere alone.  He knows the way to his preschool.  Trust me.  He tells me when I take a different route or if we drive anywhere near the preschool on an off day.  He does not need a GPS.  And why my five-year-old thinks he is taking a car anywhere is beyond me.  He knows he doesn't know how to drive, either; he has told me so.

I told Erick he would need to do his best to find his way.  He of course did not find this answer acceptable.  So I took his hand, led him upstairs to the pile of blankets and helped him find his Dad.  Snow Day, buddy.  It's a "stay at home day" with your Dad. 

Enjoy your first snow day.

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