Friday, February 25, 2011


Snow day number two for my boys.  They played outside for two hours on the enormous piles of snow that accumulated by our driveway.  By the time they came inside two hours later they looked like snowballs.  The joys of fresh, white snow for small children.  (Not such a joy for me and my husband having shoveled the driveway three times before 10 a.m.)  For me, today was more a gift of an unexpected "stay home" day.  I was supposed to have school today and so were my boys--but none of that!  The idea of a foot of snow is bound to slow anyone down!

The sheer joy of the day came in the afternoon.  I was studying for my clinical competency exam and decided to take a break.  I was looking at my rings.  My engagement ring.  The excitement of knowing Derek wanted to spend his life with me.  My wedding band.  The promise Derek would commit his life to me, and I would commit mine to his.  And an anniversary ring.  Ten years.  The ring that began as such a surprise at our five-year anniversary and grew at our ten-year anniversary.  Diamonds that are carried on my fingers as a daily reminder of someone who loves me and cherishes me.  As I admired and reflected while looking at these rings my boys laughed out loud at a movie in another room. 

And then I immediately posted this.  Because I do not want to take for granted the laughter and love that abounds in our home.

Just a reminder life is good.  I love my life filled with boys big and small.  I love the laughter.  I love the happiness.  I love the joy.

And it all began with a ring.  Sometimes I think the rings are only about Derek and me.  That two were simply the commitment of us.  But these two rings were the beginning of a family only God could unfold.  The story would have never been told without the gift of the first ring.  The journey is remembered fondly with the others.

I can't imagine my life without these boys God has blessed me with so abundantly.

1 comment:

  1. So I followed your profile link back here and got a wonderful glimpse into your joyous life! (I read every post--not too hard, since you just started. Not sure I could have said the same if you had been blogging for years) I love these reminders to NOT take our lives for granted. I loved reading about you and your family. I am so curious as to how our paths ever it random?
