Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's crooked?

Blake always seems to have a unique take on life.  I seldom feel he views the world the same way the rest of the family does.  Some days I wonder if he has absorbed anything around him with even the tiniest perspective of others.

Today he let me know that, yes, he does pick up on some of it.  He has already begun to take note of the sarcasm that flows from me like breath.

Erick's glasses were so incredibly crooked today.  I fussed with them for several minutes and then finally commented to Erick, "Maybe your face is on crooked."

Blake quickly shot back at me, "Maybe your face."

I couldn't disagree with him. 

Ahhh, the joy of the sarcastic comment.  Way to keep up with the inappropriateness of the family, buddy. 

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