Thursday, February 17, 2011

Moratorium defined

The boys love to talk about and go the the Natatorium here in town, but we have not been able to go because Blake's stitches have not been out for a week.  However, they still were chatting about it today. 

"Natatorium" is a tough word to say for a three-year-old, though, so Blake was calling it the "Matatorium."  Pretty close, but Erick felt the need to correct him anyway (because Erick is perfect and articulates everything without error), "No, Blake, it's NATatorium, not MATatorium." 

I reminded Erick he used to call it the "Moratorium,"which he laughed at the idea of the word.

Blake asked Erick what "moratorium" meant. 

Erick replied, "There are more people there.  And more and more and more people.  And that's why it's called a MORatorium." 

Almost.  I didn't feel the need to tell them what a moratorium really is. 

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