Monday, March 21, 2011


Life for people I know has dished out terrible situations.  Imagine the worst--or at least close to the worst--and it seems as it has happened to people I know.  Some closer than others, but regardless, my heart aches for each one.

Life is not dealing the hand to others that I expected.  Not just because it is not what would be happiest, but sometimes the thought of this much pain to so many good people....  What I see happening to others is devastating.  Others' parents with serious illness.  Friends with enormous loss.  Family with uncertain decisions.  Sometimes the weight of the world appears to be on their shoulders.

I cannot seem to carry any burden for them.  As much as I may offer to help with the baggage, I feel I can never truly lighten their load.  My waiting for that which is uncertain in my life is nothing compared to what other are experiencing.  I honestly feel like life just isn't fair.  Life often never seems to be.  Never seems to be what we imagined it would be or fair.

I don't know what I was expecting--but I know this wasn't it.

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