Thursday, March 31, 2011

The truth about blogging....

When I started this blog I thought my life would appear as interesting as others' lives on blogs I read.  Not even close.  Or maybe it's just how I write.  Or what I choose to write.  Or what I choose not to write.  The fact is, just writing stuff and having it show up online does not make it interesting.  (For the very few who have viewed this site, please do not feel the need leave an insulting comment after this post).

The other fact is, I have a hard time putting a lot of things out there.  Perhaps somethings in my life are more interesting, but I am not ready to let the whole world know the intimacies of my thoughts and experiences.  Nor have I found a way to protect the privacy of others' lives who connect with mine to write about how their lives affect my thoughts and actions.

I feel like I have a lot of good, memorable thoughts throughout the day.  But I don't always have a computer.  The thought fades before completion.  Then, by the time I get to the computer the thoughts and events seem so contrived that I feel like they are no longer mine.  I could try and make moment into a post, but the point is to have a record for others to look back on this and see me, not some made-up attempts at wisdom and insight and entertainment.

Regardless of intentions, I am still figuring all this out.  But I am going to keep trying this on for size until I know what fits.  Because, as I said, someday this will all be important.  Maybe.  To someone.  Even if just for me.

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