Monday, March 28, 2011

Looking out for Mom

Erick is by far my sensitive one.  He is a people pleaser, too.  And he looks out for me.

The poor little fella was sick this week, and I probably gave it to him.  The good ol' 24 hour stomach flu.  He was miserable.  He does not like to throw up--but most people don't.  I wasn't worried about getting sick, since I already had it, but Erick doesn't understand how the whole viral thing works yet.

As I got close to give him a kiss and make sure he was okay as he lay uncomfortably snuggled under a blanket on the couch, he simply cried and said, "Mommy, I don't want you close to me."

I was crushed for a moment.  My poor, sick son didn't want his mom.  "Why not, honey.  What's wrong?"

"I just don't want you to get my cold."

Thanks for looking out for me, Erick, but you should know--even if I hadn't been sick already--wild horses can't keep mommy away from her sick child.  Let the world off your shoulders, babe.  Mommy will be okay.  Let me help you be okay, too.

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