Monday, March 28, 2011

Favorite Things

Erick and Blake were sitting at the table chatting while Erick worked on a puzzle.  Erick so enjoys putting things together.

"I love puzzles.  Puzzles and Legos,"  Erick commented.

"I like puzzles,"  Blake answered.  Then thought a couple seconds.  "Puzzles and shows and snack and movies...."  (Yes, shows and movies are two separate things in this house.)

"You like books, too, Blake," I chimed in.  Not that he doesn't know what he likes, but I wanted to make life seem more than just shows and movies and food--generally while watching something.

"Oh, yeah.  And books.  (long pause)  And sleep.  I love sleep."

I laughed, because his list is so true.  And now I also know why Blake does not decide anything else on his own about daily activities and allows his brother to choose.  Because as long as it does not mess with his shows or food he really doesn't care.

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