Friday, March 18, 2011

Me time

So, a night alone.  I mean TRULY alone.  No boys (big or little), no responsibility.  I get to watch NCAA basketball tournaments with no one yelling at the television (and I get to make my own comments to the television that relate to the success of my choices for the bracket.  Which, by the way, who would have ever picked a 12 and 13 seed to advance as the next match up in Round 2?  NO ONE picks that!!! I digress....)

So, I had a chance to go shopping.  I hate shopping. I  stopped into three stores within 20 minutes.  I did buy a wine glass, though, because I hate to drink wine out of cheap, wrapped up water glasses in a hotel. I did inform Derek of my purchase, and he told me to purchase enough glasses for a set of four since the glasses are only $4.  Now I need to shop again.  Not as bad if there is a purpose.

So, I had a random thought while I was out and about.  Well, actually I had a few.

I went to pick up dinner to take back to the hotel.  (I really do not care for sitting at a table by myself to eat.) As I was waiting for my food I looked out at the sunny, relatively warm patio of the restaurant.  It was after 6 o'clock, so the evening was permitting cooler air to settle in, but people obviously sat on the patio earlier when the sun brought more warmth.  The martini and wine glasses remained on a table of those who had dined earlier.  This made me wonder, "What do people think when they see Derek and I together at a table?"  So many times I look across the table at him.  I don't think about what others see.  (If people came into our house, they would not always see a pretty picture, let me tell you.  But that's marriage--not always pretty.)  I wonder if people see a couple who looks like they enjoy being together or simply are going out to dinner.  What do we look like to others?  How do I make people look at us and want to be 'that couple?'  Kind of like our wedding day, when people felt we were a couple who belonged together and reflected how love should be.

My thought wandered to how beautiful the weather was for Ohio, and I thought how nice it would be to take a walk with my husband and kids.  I miss them, but it is refreshing to have some time to myself.  I have only left my husband and my boys once in the past four years for an overnight.  I don't travel well, but sometimes it may be necessary.

Now I get to enjoy the random text from my sister and brother-in-law and phone call from my husband and boys.  I enjoy hearing them.  I enjoy the time for myself.  I enjoy the break from the ordinary and the chores.  I need to be refreshed once and a while.  But I look forward to returning home.

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